序言 Preface


我們愛表, 酒及雪茄, 一群志同道合的朋友走在一起, 同様的喜好, 同様興趣 , 於是成立了這個網站- The Rare Corner  .

先談談手表吧, 不知不覺, 十多廿年了, 由最初大品牌熱門型號, 到現在沉醉於稀有的, 特別的, 獨立自家特式的, 有心思創造之手表 , 甚至一些比較冷門的手表, 正是成立本站其中一個目的.

每個年代製表師都有賞心悅目, 驚人出色之作, 可惜是時間, 金錢和出產量,加上機會, 並不是每一個愛表喜好者能配合

我們希望藉著平台, 能與各地表友, 收藏家交流分享 , 亦希望透過平台可以進行名表買賣, 置換, 大家也能夠尋回所愛.

Daniel Roth Chronograph

我們愛酒, 特別是威士忌, 也是十多年了,

由朋友第一次請品, 感覺辣但味道複雜, 不喜歡.

兩個月後的一個晚上, 頭昏腦脹一整天, 突然想起難飲之味, 好想立即飲一杯, 於是乎那一個晚上開始了威士忌之旅, 開始時候, 慢慢研究品嚐

威士忌從原料, 各個地方釀製至裝瓶, 各酒廠有自家方式和傳統

愛上威士忌, 除了酒標吸引, 而且每一口都包含釀酒師想帶出表達分享之味道

除了手表, 酒 , 我們也愛雪茄

始於小時候, 看著叔伯所抽, 像兩三支香烟扎在一起, 但呼出之煙有點濃烈但帶有一陣陣吸引人之香味- 好重香料, 雲呢拿和煙草在空中漫遊

十八歲那年, 開始了雪茄之行, 發現由選購至儲存 [養] 是一門學問, 希望在此平台可以分享多年收藏及可以用,, 雪茄我們愛之, 除了精品本質也帶來了一班同志同道合愛好者收藏家大家可以聚聚分享收藏心得及經歷一樂也.

另外, THE RARE CORNER 也會從世家各地選購一些優質的名表,美酒 及雪茄, 並提供給大家選購

F.P. Journe

We love watches, cigars, wiskey and more , we came together because of these elegant interests, hence, The Rare Corner was born

Let’s talk about watches. Time flies and my love to watches has been more than 20 years… I was so keen on popular models of worldwide well-known brands when I first got in touch with watches. But now, I am more addicted to the unusual, special, remarkable and independent brands watches, or even some relatively unpopular ones. Our love to watches , sharing these kinds of nice piece is one of my purposes/ thoughts to create The Rare Corner .

No doubt that there are pleasing, fascinating and amazing works of watchmakers in every age. However, pity that not only the limit on time, money and number of production but also the chances, so not all watch lovers can find the ones of their favor/ love.

Through this platform, we sincerely hope that we can reach more watch lovers, buyers, collectors, and anything alike. We also wish to trade, sell and buy anything unique.


The Rare Corner Preface

We love quality wine, especially whiskey, for more than a decade. Our first sight of wine was at the bar with friends. We didn’t fall in love with it at first sight. The churning flavour was complex, but not exactly repelling.

Days later, that churning taste came to mind. That night, we went on our journey with whiskey. We have been appreciating the rich flavours and textures of the drink.

Since the dawn of whiskey, every factory has its different way and tradition, from brewing to packaging. We are in love with whiskey, not only with its shimmering and attractive labels and covers, we care more about what’s inside the bottle .

Moreover, we are cigar fanatics too. When we were still underaged, we looked upon our seniors who smoked cigars, the scent of them was thick but attractive. The aroma of vanilla and tobacco lingered in the air.

When we were 18, we started our journey with cigars, we knew that there was skill from picking the best quality cigars, to storing them in the best conditions. We hope this platform can let us share our experiences and knowledge.

Watches, wine and cigars are our favourites. We also tagged other collectors along, hoping to gather up some of our peers. Furthermore, we will buy ,sell and trade some of the best products from all parts of the world.

The Rare Corner